E-ARC from Netgalley
I love a good fairy tale retelling and this was one of them.
In this story we have Cinderella and Belle. While similar to the stories we know and love but different enough to make the story fresh and unique.
Without giving to much away, Cinderella is treated badly by her stepmother and Belle's father is a collector of magical objects instead of an inventor. Something happens when Belle does a bit of magic at the same time as Cinderella's fairy godfather does his and chaos ensues. They end up switching places. Hence the subtitle princess swap. You have duel points of view, Belle and Cinderella. Each girl is trying to piece together what happened and how to escape their captors. Will they get there HEA, read the book and see for yourself.
I look forward to the other books in this series. I do have E-ARCs for the next two.